Today, a prayer:
A Prayer for the Stranger in our Midst
O Lord,
we thank you for those loving souls
who welcomed us among your people.
Who helped us feel your welcome
and joy at our arrival in their midst.
O gracious Host,
help us to be loving souls
who welcome the stranger
into the midst of your people.
Who help the children know your welcome
as you invite them into your presence.
May you never have need to remind us
to let them come to you.
Instead may we point the way in between
our rising up and laying down,
our going out and coming in.
O Lord,
we thank you for those strong souls
who helped us to feel safe in their presence.
Who helped us understand the safety
behind you, our shield, our rock;
under the shade of your wing;
surrounded by the power of your mighty arm.
O mighty King,
help us to be a safe haven
for the widow, the orphan, the outcast.
May the danger that they bring with them
neither cause us to recoil in fear,
nor tempt us to build walls that insulate
instead of bridges that communicate.
Strengthen, O vulnerable One, our hearts
so that we may offer so secure a safety
as to call them to behave safely.
O Lord,
we thank you for those loving souls
whose loving actions helped us see
the depths of your unfathomable love.
Who helped us understand that
surrendering to your love allows that love
to conquer all things, especially those fears
that cause us to feel unsafe or cast out.
O unshakable Love,
Help us to love the unlovable
with a love that mirrors your love for us.
May neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers,
nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation
separate a child, a stranger, an outcast one
from our love as your people,
anymore than those dear ones can be separated
from the love of your Son.
May we welcome them to the table of your Son,
make them safe by the power of your Spirit,
and love them with your love, O Lord.
Grace and peace,