I was a junior in college at Harding University and I was asked to go with one of my friends to the 8:30 service at Downtown. I didn't know what to expect because I had already been to worship that morning, and then again to a small group at 5 pm. I remember thinking, that I had never had this much "church" in one day before.
As I walked into the gym at Downtown, I could feel this sense of something coming from many of the people in the room. There was nothing special about the room. We were in a gym and there were chairs placed all around the large room. Up in the front of the gym was a podium, a table with communion set out, and there was a screen that I guessed was for the songs. The singing began. We sang about five or six songs, and then the worship leader opened up the room for spontaneous singing. He said, "There will be a short thought to direct our minds, and then during the songs, when you are ready to come and take of the Lord's Supper, come and take them at the table or you can go wherever in the gym or outside."
Being from the traditional background that I was, I had never heard of anything like this before. I was a little shocked and almost like, what should I do? My answer came very quickly, because as the songs were sang throughout the gym, I felt this urge to remember. I wanted to remember what my Jesus did for me. I made it personal, but at the same time, I was there with so many of my friends and so many other Christians. We were all remembering Jesus together. I could feel his presence in the room. I could feel that God was there with us and this was very pleasing to him. I stood up and walked down the aisle to take the emblems and as I watched others take them at the table, I felt this urge to find a small corner of this huge building and just be alone with God.
I found my corner and just knelt down. I continued to sing and then just stopped and started praying out loud for what was going on in my life. I prayed for my spiritual walk and how I felt like for so long I had been so far away, I prayed about the spiritual life of my family and my friends, and I thanked God for his Son. I say I prayed out loud, because the singing was so amazing and beautiful, but very loud all at the same time. We all just felt so comfortable just singing at the top of our lungs. I remember feeling like that was one of the first times I truly felt God listening and taking away my burdens. I then took the bread and the juice and continued in worship on my knees. I left that evening in tears and with such a renewed sense of my faith.
This was the first time that I truly felt "Shekinah," or being in the glory of God. His presence was everywhere. I also truly felt "Koinonia" for the first time. There was a deep inward fellowship among us all that night. I will be using these two words this week in our devotional/discipline time. We have focused on Silence, Prayer, Study and now we have Worship. I am sure that many of us can think of these times in our lives where we felt like we were a church family truly dwelling in the presence and that deep indwelling connection to our brothers and sisters during and after worship. That is what I long for now. What about you? The more that we have this time of worship together, the more growth will happen and the more people will come to be a part of God's Kingdom, just by watching, listening, singing, and praying.
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.
A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity — all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
Worship means so much more than just being in a building more often and sitting in pews and singing the same old songs, and listening to a sermon. Worship is in every day, and in everything that we do. Even being a part of the community we have at Westview, I can feel the spirit of the Lord everyday in discussions and in prayers. Worship is Shekinah, and it is Koinonia. Being together in the presence of God. Does it get any better that that?