Today, a prayer:
Your word
Walter Brueggemann
Your word is a light to our feet and a lamp to our path.
Your word is a glue of the universe wherein the whole creation coheres.
Your word is the address of promise and command by which we live.
Your word has come fleshed among us full of grace and truth.
We are creatures of your word and give thanks for it.
For all that we are more dazzled that your word
is carried, uttered, acted
by frail vulnerable human agents.
We ponder and give thanks for those who this day
speak your word where it is desperately needed
and deeply resisted.
We ponder and give thanks for those who this day
act your word for newness and peace and justice.
We ponder with trepidation that among us
you will yet designate such carriers,
such speakers,
such actors.
In our thanks for your word,
we pray for courage in the name of the one
who emptied himself. Amen.