Friday, February 13, 2009

Standing right in front of them ...

It is sometimes difficult to really hear the words of a song that we know well. Even though you may have heard many times the lyrics that we consider today, slow down to read and meditate on the words as if you were encountering them for the first time. There are many good songs from Acappella, but one stands out because of its words:

The Way, the Truth, the Life, the Victory

As the King of Kings was questioned by Pilate long ago,
He declared His kingdom different, not of this world;
A kingdom for the side of truth, like none has ever been -
Pilate asked, “What is truth?”
He was standing right in front of him.

Truth was standing right in front of him,
As plain as anything could ever be.
Truth was standing right in front of him,
He was standing there for all the world to see:
The Way, The Truth, the Life, the Victory.

Stephen, first beloved martyr, gave up his life for Him,
Being stoned by angry people filled with revenge.
Where was God when all this happened?
Stephen looked into the sky, he was never alone,
God was standing right in front of him.

Truth was standing right in front of him,
As plain as anything could ever be.
Truth was standing right in front of him,
Revealed to him for comfort and to see;
He was standing there for his delivery.

Now the quest for truth continues until this very day,
But the source that we should seek is not of this world:
A truth that is revealed by God, the Spirit's made it clear.
If you ask, “What is truth?” He is standing right in front of you.

Truth is standing right in front of you,
As plain as anything could ever be.
Truth is standing right in front of you,
Standing there for all eternity:
The Way, the Truth, the Life, the Victory!

He is standing right in front of you,
Showing love for open eyes to see.
Jesus is standing right in front of you,
Standing there for He will always be:
The Son of Man, the Son of God,
The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
The Way, the Truth, the Life, the Victory!

We might pray with the words of Clara Scott’s song:

“Open my eyes, that I may see,
Glimpses of truth thou hast for me …”

We might ask, “How are our boys to see this truth?”
I think the answer is,
“We have to live this truth right in front of them.”
We are not Truth as Jesus is Truth.
Yet if we are to be his people, we must reflect his image.
We must do this as accurately, as truthfully as possible.
We must enact his kingdom in our little spheres of influence
so that our boys get a glimpse of that kingdom and the God
who calls us to it.
We must do this standing right in front of them.

Holy God, use us to bring your kingdom, to enact your will.

