Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Testing truth ...

Today, prayers to guide us toward seeking and keeping the truth:

From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths,
From the arrogance with thinks it knows all truth,
O God of Truth, deliver us. Amen.
- Leslie Weatherhead

Almighty God,
who hast sent the spirit of truth unto us to guide us into all truth,
so rule our lives by thy power,
that we may be truthful in word, deed, and thought.
O keep us, most merciful Saviour, with thy gracious protection,
that no fear or hope may ever make us false in act or speech.
Cast out from us whatsoever loveth or maketh a lie,
and bring us all to the perfect freedom of thy truth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
- Brooke Foss Westcott

O Lord,
Bring us a level, durable and true,
whose sure and steady bubble
incessantly seeks its way up to you,
undistracted by slanted foundations,
unmoved by shifting sand and
swelling clays, somehow then
it finds its home and balance when
it rests, wholly transparent to you.

O Lord,
Grant us a square, to try and true,
whose sure arm angles right to you
unconvinced by knotty quirk
or thickened plaster;
it will recognize and approve
the true carpenter’s work –
only perfection at the cross
will be its master.

O Lord,
Lower us a bob, still and heavy,
to center us in the shower
of your heavenly blessings.
Straight to the point,
it chases no rabbits;
by its stillness and silence
it plumbs for us truth-seeking habits.

O Lord,
Give us the wisdom
to seek out your truth.
For just as good builders
trust varied tools
to test the truth of their work –
help us trust a diversity of voices
to discern the truth of your way
from our confusion of choices.

Through him who is the Truth,
the Way, and the Light.

