Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The hope of holiness ...

A prayer from Leaving Ruin:


Pure in heart seems impossible. Miraculous if anything. You command these things that lie only in your hand to give. And we fail miserably. But you, O God, have promised that you will be our God, and that you will not test us in ways that will only destroy, and you will be with us always. David was an adulterer and a murderer, and his heart was like yours. Pure might be a way to say it.

Lord, if I sin like David, make my heart like his, so that it might be like yours. Help us to choose. In the moments of temptation, when money is needed and stealing is possible; when loneliness is my name and sexual sin is a real but fleeting comfort, when faithfulness seems impossible, and the hope of holiness a mockery in the face of real life, help us to choose you. We want to choose the pure, the righteous, the good.

God, we are blind, but we want to see you. Forgive us, and let us sin no more.

We receive your forgiveness as the free gift it is. We raise our eyes, and you are in the faces of our friends, our family. Blessed is your heart, O God, for it is pure, and it is only through your heart that we can see your face, and the face of your Son.

In faith,
In Jesus,

I pray that God gives you the courage today to look at yourself, to really analyze yourself.

I pray you see that which needs changing and, rather than holding on to it, you give it to God, knowing that in return your heart is cleaner, deeper, healthier, and more useful.

I pray that you have the courage to wait in His embrace while He purifies you.

Purify me, Lord, from ways that aren’t of you.
Help me to run into your arms when the purifying starts.
I surrender all to you, not my will but Thine
The sweetest thing I know is to let your Spirit show
