Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poor in spirit ...

Another prayer from Leaving Ruin:

Poor in Spirit confuses us, and your Son is raking our imaginations with his greatness, and if I see your face I will die, and I must see your face or I will die. Come to us, Lord, gently, and teach, and set us right, and shield us from looking too hard into the core of sin that is too, too much to bear, perhaps even for a God.

Who are the poor in spirit? And how are they blessed? If we understand this Jesus on the mountain, there is a terrible comfort for us, or is it a comforting terror, because there is mystery here, but let us not hide from its simplicity. Reduce us, Lord, let us be as those who do not sow or reap, but who know you will sustain, support, and save.

If I come to the mountain to sit at his feet, let me listen. Strip distraction, and help me hold each thought, each word, each wisdom as tightly as light holds the day, though my breakfast was not what I wanted, and I hate the grime under my fingernails. I long for the blessing of Jesus, but, too often, I’d rather have what I’d rather have.

I am not poor in spirit, but I long to be. Forgive, and make again.

In the name of Jesus,

What would life look like if we were to let God handle it, all of it?
What would our schedules look like if we truly trusted God to provide?

The Beatitudes are beautiful in their simplicity and complexity. To read them in such a way as to hear the Messiah speaking them to you is deep and lovely and the climate for change on every level. Let’s listen to Him (from the ERV:

Great blessings belong to those who know they are spiritually in need.
God’s kingdom belongs to them.

Great blessings belong to those who are sad now.
God will comfort them.

Great blessings belong to those who are humble.
They will be given the land God promised.

Great blessings belong to those who want to do right
more than anything else. God will fully satisfy them.

Great blessings belong to those who show mercy to others.
Mercy will be given to them.

Great blessings belong o those whose thoughts are pure.
They will be with God.

Great blessings belong to those who work to bring peace.
God will call them his sons and daughters.

Great blessings belong to those who suffer persecution
for doing what is right. God’s kingdom belongs to them.

This list contains aspects of life that happen to a person and some that one chooses. However, the blessing comes in what one does with what happens. I pray you have the courage in the Kingdom to be humble, do right, work to bring peace, etc. May we encourage each other as we do these ourselves.

