Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pale turnips and empty pitchers

Today’s words from Jeremy:

To further extend our country boy wisdom, here is a saying that is a qualifier for yesterday's devo thought of giving more. "You can't squeeze blood from a turnip". The wisdom in this saying is simple. If you don't have anything to give, you can't give it.

I love the idea of us all being water pitchers. We can pour out what we have into other's pitchers when they need to be refilled. But we have to go to the source of the living water to be refilled and refreshed.

We hear this verse all the time about renewal, Isaiah 40:31

Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.

Yesterday I said to keep pouring out what you have to give to others who are in need. Today here is the answer on what to do when we have no more blood in our turnip. We wait. The NIV says we hope. The Lord will come and He will refill us and take care of our emptiness. It won't be easy, it doesn't always feel good, it doesn't always come when we tell it to, but...it comes. And when it comes, it is constant renewal. We can run without getting tired. We can do everything we need to because God will take care of us. He will refill us and make sure we are full enough to be taken care of, but not too full so we are not "full of ourselves".

When you feel like Dracula has attacked your spiritual vegetable patch, give it up to God for a while and be patient. It will come and your strength will be complete again so you can handle what comes your way.

May God bless you today with whatever you need. And grant you peace, too, while you wait.
