This week’s devotionals come from the pen of Jeremy Luallen:
This line of devotionals comes from my country boy roots. There are so many great sayings that, as my mom always says, will preach. One of the first and best sayings that I remember is Ham and Eggs: who gave more for your breakfast? On one hand, you have the chicken who gave an egg or two. On the other hand, the pig gave his life for your morning repast.
This is a silly way of saying, how much of ourselves are we really giving to others? We can give some and just feel better about ourselves for how much we think we may have given. Or, we can really give of our lives spiritually, physically, and mentally. I don't want to think of myself or you as pigs, but I do want us to realize on a daily basis what we give to those around us.
One of my favorite verses is John 21:25: "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." Jesus gave us everything and then some of himself. So much that the world couldn't even hold the good news of all the things he did. And the best part is he didn't want to stop giving.
For our country boy charge and challenge for the day...see if you can give a little bit more to someone who could use the help. They may need something you have and don't even realize it. May God bless you with everything you need when you need it.
Peace be with you too.