Here is the latest from the country...
I know that many of us are very stubborn in our ways. There are a few good sayings from back in the woods that go along with this:
He's just as happy as if he had good sense.
Tougher than a pine knot.
Grinning like a mule eating briars.
She's so stubborn she'd argue with a stop sign.
God calls us to peace. He calls us to follow Him without reservation. Last night's devo got me to thinking about that in this way: how often do I try to redo what God has already done just because I think I know better. I can get very stubborn and as we say back in Arkansas, 'muley'. Why do we try to improve on perfection. Adam and Eve back in Genesis, they had perfection. All the good food they could eat, all the protection they could want, and a relationship with God not seen again till Jesus' time. They had it all and then with very little encouragement, they wanted to improve on what they had. What do we have to do other than to trust in God for all our needs. In America, it is harder because we can just go straight to the store or shop or whatever and get whatever will improve on what our current situation is. Special creamer for my coffee, better tires for my car, better clothes for the organic husk that my soul resides in...
God has promised to us to fulfill EVERYTHING. He has never been wrong, he has never failed, and the best thing is he never will. May all of us in EVERY situation learn to lean on Jesus and God for ALL of what we need. He will be true to us if we will be true to him.
May God bless you with everything you need today. And give you peace too.