Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reps and tags

There is much wisdom that comes from the country. There are also a lot of tags that can be attached. Here are some examples:

He is dumb as a box of rocks.
He is about two sandwiches short of a picnic.
He is as confused as a termite in a yo-yo.
He's so dishonest, you better count your fingers after shaking hands with him.
He couldn't hit sand if he fell off a camel.
He's so loud he must have learned to whisper in a sawmill.

And so on.

The reason tonight for these various descriptions of a person is this: What are we known for? What kind of "tag" has been applied to us by someone else? It amazes me to read the story of Jesus saying to people, "come follow me" and they do. They just dropped everything, left their old life behind, and followed. I don't think it was because Jesus offered them lots of money or promised them greatness. I believe the people who followed Jesus knew Him by reputation. They knew what kind of person he was, because he had a good reputation from the previous 30 years of living in that area. Even Matthew the tax collector followed. They all knew who he was and what he represented.

What do people know us for? Are we known for being Godly, or are we known for something else? If we are not known for being Godly, then we need to rethink our daily walk, our associates, and remember that we are Jesus on earth to unbelievers. I would hate for someone to think of us as stingy with ourselves or our time. They need to know just as much as anyone what kind of man Jesus was, and how much he wants to get to know them deeply.

May God bless you today with everything you need. And grant you peace too.
