Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Something less than the big dog ...

Here is your third dose of Country Boy Wisdom.

"If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!" I don't like this saying because it was said to me many times while playing football in Arkansas. Being the susceptible person that I was, it really hit home to me that maybe I wasn't good enough, or maybe I don't belong with everyone else. At times, it could have been used for motivation to help, but instead it was used to berate and tear down.

I was watching the History Channel the other day and came across a show on the Inquisition. The people who originally thought of this idea were probably devout God fearing people. Problem was, they became the elite, the best, the only. They were killing people in their "righteous cause". Problem was, they didn't realize how off they were and how far reaching this oppression would reach. When Rachel and I were in Scotland doing some mission work, we encountered priests and others who said that a large percentage of the people there were very distrustful of religion of any kind due to the old history of how oppressed people were by the "Cosmic Cop" God.

The most well know verse in the Bible is probably John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

God said "the world", because he means "the world". He wants all to come and know Him and what he has. We don't have to be a big dog or part of the elite group. We have to be us and follow what He has for us to do. God offers everything we will ever need and we can share it with all the other people in "the world". So that everyone will come to know him and the "pack of dogs" can all run together and chase after God.

May you be blessed today with everything you need. And may you have peace, too.
